Week 7

October 11

Some quick housekeeping

I’ve been catching up on some of our class adminso some of you may have gotten alerts about your attendance from Starfish. As a reminder, per our CD program policies, you are only allowed two absences before Bad Things Happen. Some of you are already at this threshold! You know who you are.

Also, I am still working on your progress/evaluation reportsand will share those with you ahead of your midterm, next week.

Presentations are next week

So next week are your midterms, where you will be presenting your Harmonic Collection to the class.

You have the next week to revise your first 5 entries for consistency, quality, and cohesion. They should communicate a clear exploration of your topic, and take us on a journey through it. That is going to be different for all of youbased on your topicsbut think of both the entries and the whole together.

Practically, if you don’t have an index.html page linking to your entries, this is the time to create that. Treat it as your landing pageto introduce us to your topic and guide us through the entries.

Your project should demonstrate to me that you have progressed conceptually and technically. I expect to see appreciable, significant revision to your existing entries. Show me your engagement.

Each student will have about 5 minutes to present their work. In this time, talk us through your topic and explain how you wanted to explore it through your entries. Then show us your pages, taking us through each onebut stay focused on the whole. You can also explain what your challenges were, and how you’d improve on the execution with additional time or more experience.

Your presentation doesn’t have to be in a deck, but be prepared to use your full amount of time to take us through your work. Also, don’t go over! (I’ll have a timer going.) The project should be shown from the live URL you have submitted, not from your machine. Consider this presentation part of your project!

Each presentation will be followed by a few minutes of feedback and critique from your classmates and from me.

Harmonic Collection review

Let’s take a look at a few of your entries:

Some volunteers, or I will be calling on folks!

We’ll take our break somewhere around here, I think.

Time for (CSS) grid!

Building on our knowledge of flexbox, we’ll take a look its spiritual continuation in grid:

Quick lil’ demo

If we have time today, we’ll pick up from our demo last weekbut using grid instead of flex:

For next week

Session recording